Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things on Thursday

Wow, it's been way too long since I've posted! Unfortunately, shortly after my last post, we got some really sucky family (bad) news so I wasn't very motivated to do much, let alone blog :/ Sorry to all (err...both?) of my loyal fans! ;)

but here we go again, I'm going to try to start blogging a little here and there - but will definitely try to keep up with my Things on Thursday posts.

1. I know a lot of people say this, but I have some of THE BEST friends in the world!! Even the ones I don't see or talk to very often have really proven how amazing they are over the past few months (not that I needed proof of their amazingness ;))

2. Anthony has started talking so much more lately! Its exciting, but a little scary at times too...this mama needs to watch what she's saying now!

3. I've been experimenting with some snack and breakfast food for Anthony and the other kids. This week I made pumpkin pancakes and biscuits. All I did was add pumpkin to the easy! I'm thinking I'm going to try using applesauce next time. I'd also like to try a veggie biscuit of sorts...I'll let you know how they turn out.

4. I've had a very dry mouth lately...I'm not sure what's up with it...?

5. I'm going to my very first Illinois football game this Saturday. I'm not sure if I'm excited, but I'll make the best of it...I'm pretty sure Travis is going to be tired of me saying "what just happened?" and wait another 4 years before inviting me to another game! ;)

I hope this post finds you happy and healthy!!!

live, laugh and love -often!