Monday, January 24, 2011

Things on Thursday...on Monday ;)

ok, so its been 1 week and I'm already slacking...sorry!

1. on Thursday my little brother, Chris, had surgery to deal with some kidney stones...everything went perfectly, and I am beyond grateful to his much so that it is bringing tears to my eyes right now.

2. I have NEVER had such chapped.ips as I do right now...anyone have a suggestion on how to heal them? I've been using chopstick and neosporin, but I still look like Angilina Jolie!

3. I lost 3 pounds last week! it's always great to be successful the first week of a diet!

4. I LOVE the lint fluffy snow we got last night! <3

5. I am so excited that everyone seemed to love the lasagna I made for dinner last night! i think its the Italian in me :) and the best compliment was that my nephew, Hayden, ate every last bite...his dad said that's the most he's seen him eat in MONTHS!

6. Even though I know it's hard on his crib, I think its funny that Anthony will lay on his back and kick the heck out of his crib railings

7. I got my Cricut Expression and Design Studio on Saturday! I'm dying to get downstairs and lock myself in my room and scrapbook!!!

8. Rit now I'm watching Kathy Lee & Hoda on the 4th hours of Today, these two crack me up.

9. I "joined" and, apparently, it helps with weight loss. I think its just the accountability of writing down everything you eat.

10. I'm really proud of myself for getting up off the couch yesterday afternoon to put laundry away, I told myself "you'll be glad it's done tonight when you want to go to bed!" - and it worked!


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