My MIL gave us a bench with cubbies for Christmas last year, and I didn't even know that it would be the answer to my prayers!
Unfortunately, this is what it ended up looking like: "let's shove whatever we can into the cubbies to get it out of the way!"
All along my MIL had said she was going to buy us baskets to put in these cubbies, but we simply never got around to getting to the store and picking them out...until Memorial Day weekend! We found these amazingly perfect baskets:
She also mentioned, when we got this all set up [isn't it beautiful?!] that there is a matching cubby set that hangs on the wall above the bench with hooks to hang coats on. I initially didn't think we needed it, but I soon found out that even putting diaper bags on this bench didn't stop all the little curious fingers in my house from getting into the
Its difficult to tell in this picture, but there are black baskets in the top cubbies. My incredibly handy-with-a-sewing-machine MIL is making me some zebra print covers for the baskets so they'll "pop" a little :)
So this is what the entire system looks like right now...its still a work in progress.
Once the covers are made for the baskets, I'm thinking about stenciling in "Live" "Love" and "Laugh" on the top baskets, just to spice them up a little - but we'll see. That's one of those "little" projects that I'll have to utilize a naptime for!
I'll do my best to post a completely "final" picture of our entry way once I'm satisfied that its "final" ;)
Live, love and laugh!
find me linked at
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